New House Tankards Are Here!
Alright, calm down – we listened to you! Here are more Game of Thrones drinking horn designs! We started off with eight on our custom builder page, and now there are 20. Plus, to make it even easier, we’ve also made each one into its own product. Go take a look!

Our most popular requests over in the custom catch all section have been the Onion Knight (“House Seaworth,” or Davos), which is a ship with an onion sail. The other one, of course, is House Clegane.
And who could forget House Mormont! Here we stand, Lady M!
It’s actually been a pretty fun experiment to see the rise and fall of houses according to their drinking horn popularity. For example, House Stannis used to be one of our best sellers, but it’s been pretty quiet on that front since, well…you know. I know there are a few Stannis the Mannis Fannises out there though, because we do see them every so often!
Quick Custom Engraving
We make each Game of Thrones sigil horn to order, but not to worry – our engraving times are super quick. When we get your order, it’ll take us 3-5 days to complete and 3-5 days for shipping. That time may extend a bit as we approach holiday crunch time, but we expect it won’t change by much.

“I drum and I know things” – reach out if you want something you don’t see on the site!
Add Your Own Text
Starting at $10 (depending on number of characters), you can add a line of text or two. Start dreaming up what you’d like your horn to say!
Need a Different Sigil?
There are over 300 houses in Westeros, plus a bunch of other groups without banners. We can’t fit them all on our site, but if you’d like us to engrave something you don’t see, fill out our customization form and we’ll get your custom order started!
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